Impotence is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection, and most men will experience this very frustrating problem at some time. It can either be a once-in-a-lifetime problem, or occur periodically or chronically.

Circulation of blood is of prime importance, since if the blood flow to the penis is not 100%, then problems may be experienced with achieving and maintaining an erection.
Nutrition also plays a large role in sexual prowess, and that is where the belief originated regarding oysters and sex - the reason is simple - oysters contain zinc and men need zinc for normal sexual functioning.
Zinc is an ingredient needed for testosterone manufacture and for sperm production. A shortage of zinc can also contribute to mental problems, which may also contribute to a loss of libido. Zinc is also required for proper prostate functioning.
The male sexual peak is reached in early adulthood and then declines after that - but - men can stay sexually active until a very advanced age, should they so choose.
Citing age as a contributing factor for sexual dysfunction is mostly used as an excuse not to have sex, since age as such does not mean that you should be sexually inactive.
Without testosterone in the body, normal sexual functioning cannot happen, but should this be a problem it is easily treatable by a medical doctor. There is no clear-cut indication that testosterone levels influence the size of the penis.
The correlation between blood testosterone levels and sexual activity is a disputed area, since some studies indicate that increased testosterone levels influence sexual behavior, yet some conflicting studies exist on the amount of testosterone required to perform properly.
Alcohol and other substances
Some men might experience an increase in libido when a large quantity of alcohol is consumed, or when certain addictive substances are used, but the downside of this is possible erectile dysfunction.
One very important point to keep in mind is to discuss any sexual problem with your partner - this will clear the air, and will also help to lessen any psychological pressure that you may be feeling.
Addictive substances, and here we include alcohol, may lead to problems with achieving an erection, a decrease in the duration of the erection and an increase in time to ejaculate.
Chronic alcoholism and substance abuse may lead to impotence since some studies have shown that the liver is stimulated to produce an enzyme, which destroys testosterone - the male hormone, and the body does not compensate for this loss. It is therefore suggested that a healthy as possible lifestyle be followed if you wish to maximize your sex life.