Specially formulated to raise levels of progesterone in women, Himalayan Niagra(For Women) can help to enhance sexual sensitivity, increase sexual stamina, and improve your ability to achieve more frequent and more powerful orgasms.

Himalayan Niagra(For Women) is the leading herbal 'Viagra for women'. Himalayan Niagra(For Women) uses natural ingredients to help with libido problems and improve virility.
Himalayan Niagra(For Women) is a daily supplement, designed to help you achieve a natural balance throughout the month, reduce the ups and downs experienced with the menstrual cycle and increase spontaneous sex-drive. Unlike male counterparts, women do not respond to an 'instant' sex pill.
Common benefits from using Himalayan Niagra(For Women) include :
Increased stamina Improved sexual desire Stronger, more powerful climaxes Multiple climaxes Because Himalayan Niagra(For Women) is an all-natural nutritional supplement containing only the finest botanicals, there are no harmful side effects when taken as directed. Himalayan Niagra(For Women) is not a pharmaceutical drug and contains none of the synthetic chemicals found in prescription medications. It is a safe, natural alternative to prescription drugs, which can sometimes have serious side effects.