Most of the people working for Candika drank it every morning as did she and, although offered to me many times, my stomach declined. Eventually I gave into my 'sense of adventure' and actually tasted the concoction. I was surprised it tasted so, how can I put it, deliciously different!. And, did I feel better after drinking it?. Not at first but after a few weeks drinking it every day I felt bloody fantastic!.
Jamu is the ancient Indonesian art of herbal healing. As old as the Javanese culture itself, most Indonesians believe the herbal medicine (jamu) originated from Central Java and indeed from the ancient palaces of Yogyakarta and that of Surakarta (Solo). Numerous other cultural affects from different countries has influenced is reflected in the medicines - these countries being India, China and Arabia.
It wasn't until I started looking into this in-depth did I actually realise how involved the complex of making Jamu is. Here is a site that will give you a brief outline on Jamu.
It truly is a fascinating subject. I can well remember walking into the apotik's in Yogyakarta and seeing the various packets for sale produced by Jamu companies with all sorts of promises to cure all diseases and ailments. Jamu is big business in Java, but for me, the Jamu Gendong is the way to go for the real McCoy.
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