Normal sexual changes in men
As you age beyond your 50s, you may find that:
*Male sex drive is minimally affected by age (although health problems, certain medications, or relationship stress can lower sex drive).
*Erections become less firm and tend to take more time than when you were younger.
*You may be able to delay ejaculation for longer than when you were younger.
Normal sexual changes in women

It can take longer to become sexually excited.
Your skin may be more sensitive and easily irritated when caressed.
Intercourse may be painful because of thinning vaginal walls (regular sex often helps prevent this from becoming severe). If a water-based lubricant (such as Astroglide or Replens) isn't enough, talk to your health professional about vaginal estrogen cream, which reverses thinning and sensitivity. For more information, see the topic Menopause and Perimenopause.
You are less interested in sex.
If you have noticed sexual changes that don't seem to be linked to normal aging, talk to your health professional. There are a number of medications that can cause sexual problems, as well as health conditions that can cause sexual problems.
Adjusting to age-related sexual changes
With a little experimentation and patience, you can adjust to sexual changes and satisfy your sexual and intimacy needs. If you think your sexual interest might be affected by a medication or health problem, work with your health professional to correct or treat it. Talk with your partner about any misgivings you might have so you can handle them together.
With your partner, take your time to set a relaxed mood and engage in foreplay. Use a lubricant if vaginal dryness or irritation is a barrier to enjoying sex. If you drink alcohol, remember that a small amount may relax you and increase your responsiveness, but too much alcohol is likely to work against you.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a risk no matter what age you are. Unless you and your partner have recently been tested or you are 100% sure that you both have been monogamous for many years without infection, make sure that you practice safe sex to prevent STDs.
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