Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sexual Vitality

Because sexuality tends to be a private matter, it's likely that you've heard less about sexual change than any other element of aging. Fortunately, the news is good—for most healthy adults, pleasure and interest don't diminish with age. Most people are sexual throughout their lives, with or without a partner, and some feel greater sexual freedom in their later years. On the other hand, some men and women are content to be sexually inactive.

Around age 50, men and women typically begin to notice changes in their sexual drive, sexual response, or both. Like so many other physical changes that evolve over time, these aren't signs that you are losing your sexuality. Rather, these changes are simply something to adjust to and discuss openly with your partner and/or your doctor.

Normal sexual changes in men

As you age beyond your 50s, you may find that:

  • Male sex drive is minimally affected by age (although health problems, certain medicines, or relationship stress can lower sex drive).
  • Erections become less firm and tend to take more time than when you were younger.
  • You may be able to delay ejaculation for longer than when you were younger

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