Monday, April 20, 2009

So You Want To Weight Ideal

Weight is very much an inexact science, and I can strongly advocate that there are no sure-shot solutions and short-cut methods of effective weight management. I've been through the usual grind that many of you today are going through, right from taking small time tips from friends, flipping through health and life style magazines, sending queries to agony aunties, googling all the way to catchy websites with shabby & shady deals.

You can easily be fleeced with empty promises and tall claims about weight loss. In fact some advertising claims are indeed too hard to swallow, with their quick-fix, out of the box solutions for weight management. Imagine losing 10 pounds in two hours flat. Well, such tall claims only increase my wariness of the weight loss zealots. I am no party to the class and cut of such weight loss aficionados who play on the human emotions of quick results and easy answers. Steer Clear of Such Gimmicks!

I don't intend to be a messiah, passing judgments and dictates on what's happening at the pitching scenes to sell weight loss products, weight loss programs, weight loss plans and the likes, but I know how it goes. I was too fat for way too many years. I've lost about 30 or so pounds from my heaviest weight, down to a respectable 150 fully clothed. So, when it comes to weight loss motivation, I have some personal experience.

I understand all the emotional tribulations and turmoil of being obese and overweight, and I can actually identify with your physical pangs and emotional worries and feel at one with you.

My five years struggle to come into terms with my obesity, accepting my limitations, and then finally getting rid of the excess weight to my best level has taught me some hard lessons. I found it hard to swallow the truth when it hit me, but I think I am enlightened enough to guide you at the least to understand your body, accept the reality and then overcome your weighty problems in the best way possible.

And yes I have been maintaining my ideal weight for the past 7 years, and I feel that the 5 years I spent in the grind (weight loss trials) is worth it. I have learned exactly what works and what doesn't work when it comes to lasting weight loss.

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