Thursday, May 31, 2012

Depopulation Agenda:Researchers Funded by Eugenicists Find a Gene to Render Men Infertile

'Researchers at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh are working hard to decipher a male contraceptive pill.

There appears to be a need to render men “voluntarily” infertile, as these scientists uncover the gene Katnal1, which is an imperative during the final stages of producing sperm.

According to the study:

The identification and characterization of this gene, will further our understanding of how male fertility is promoted, while also providing important information relevant to the development of male contraceptives.

The research, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), was based on altering the genetic code of mice to discover mutations which led to infertility.

The MRC is a corporation based out of the UK. After being commissioned by the UK government, the MRC became of corporation by decree of the Medical Research Committee and Advisory Council Act of 1919. They are directed by the Minister of Health, Secretary for Scotland and Chief Secretary for Ireland, which was responsible for funding the council.

They are governed by their executives that control scientific research through oversight and encourage findings of the MRC be applied in the public scientific industry.'


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