Friday, June 15, 2012

How to Make Your Own Vitamin Water

'The idea of drinking vitamin water is definitely appealing. I don’t know of anyone who actually enjoys taking vitamin supplements in pill form. I also know that many people don’t like the taste of plain water. However, the type of vitamin water most people are familiar with, the bottled brand Vitaminwater®, owned by Glacéau, a privately owned subsidiary of Coca-Cola company, is unhealthy — to say the least. 

Even Coca-Cola’s attorneys recently admitted that Vitaminwater® is unhealthy in response to a lawsuit filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). In court briefings, one of the attorneys replied, “No consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking Vitaminwater® was a healthy beverage.”

Yet Coca-Cola has marketed their Vitaminwater® for years as a healthful beverage.

In fact, the company has claimed Vitaminwater® reduces the risk of chronic disease, promotes healthy joints, supports immune function, and may also help reduce the risk of eye disease.'

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