Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Radioactive Hell on Earth


'I really wish this subject would just go away and that we could just go on with life and have a good time. There are actually so many things to enjoy on Mother Earth—there are the spiritual realms all around us such as the “above beings” (Native American spirituality expression) that that we may dance, intermingle and communicate with (pray to).

Fortunately we know for sure that one day we will join up with those who live beyond their bodies, meaning we are going to die whether we like it or not. It is our spiritual destiny to lose our bodies and let them go back to the dust from whence they came. The bad news is that it is going to happen a whole lot faster for the lot of us humans who will have to learn to survive on an increasingly contaminated planet. It wasn’t enough to cover the globe with lead, then mercury, plastic and a host of other chemicals.'


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