Friday, April 20, 2012

The Hidden Cause of Psychiatric Disorders Almost No One Considers

'The Gut-Brain Connection From a proactive perspective, it's important to realize that you have the potential to take control over your health, including your mental or psychiatric health. Psychiatric conditions such as OCD are primarily believed to be the result of chemical dysfunction in your brain, or in some cases hereditary and therefore out of your control. 

Many fail to realize that a) your lifestyle can override genetic predispositions, and b) your lifestyle can be a major underlying cause of that chemical imbalance or dysfunction. So, there's plenty of reason to take a closer look at lifestyle factors such as diet and toxic exposures—whether you want to prevent a health condition, or treat it. 

 Some may object and say that a child hasn't had enough time to develop bad lifestyle habits, but when it comes to health problems related to the brain, the GUT is typically involved, and children are now increasingly BORN with damaged gut flora—courtesy of less than ideal lifestyle choices by the child's mother... In a very real sense, you have two brains: one inside your skull and one in your gut.' 


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