Monday, May 14, 2012

Adrenal Fatigue: The silent epidemic

'I was first diagnosed with adrenal fatigue 10 years ago.  At the time I dismissed it as a serious illness, after all I didn’t seem to have any symptoms that stood out from most Americans.  I knew that I needed to sleep more and exercise more and manage my stress better, doesn’t everyone?  I did change how I ate and tried to take better care of myself but I really didn’t take it very seriously for some reason.  I guess it just seemed too hard to fix and not very important.  I was still young and foolish enough to think I was invincible.

I would say that  most people in America today have some form of adrenal fatigue.  That fact normalizes it and makes it hard to take it seriously. I now realize that many severe illnesses are becoming “normal”.  Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, these are all on the rise and common enough that they get a bit of a “ho hum” response from us when they come up.  

If these obviously severe issues don’t get our attention anymore, it is hard for something like adrenal fatigue to really get through.  Adrenal fatigue didn’t get my attention until I had trouble functioning day to day.  I hope that some of you aren’t that far gone and can reverse things before you get there.'


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