'The phrase "medical ethics" sounds great in principle, but some important questions remain unanswered. Who is deciding what is ethical in medicine?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Herbal Smoking Is Very Good
Herbal Smoking are: a paper cylinder of a length between 70 and 120 mm containing a mixture of tobacco and some active ingredients and substances that have beneficial pharmacological effects to the body. Herbal Smoking are made from several ingredients processed into a mixture of tobacco choices. Mixture is able to neutralize the content of Tar and Nicotine in Smoking Herbal products. This
Alcohol drink,
Blood pressure,
Green Betel leaf,
Green Tea,
Herbal Smoking,
No Smoking
During recent years, scientists have proven that the chemicals contained in smoking (smoking in general) hold more than 4000 chemical elements. Of chemical elements is largely a substance hazardous to health. Some of the content that is harmful to health are Tar and Nicotine. Lungs: Smoking causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; is a progressive disease that makes a person difficult to
No Smoking,
Depopulation Agenda:Researchers Funded by Eugenicists Find a Gene to Render Men Infertile
'Researchers at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh are working hard to decipher a male contraceptive pill.
There appears to be a need to render men “voluntarily” infertile, as these scientists uncover the gene Katnal1, which is an imperative during the final stages of producing sperm.
According to the study:
The identification and characterization of this gene, will further our understanding of how male fertility is promoted, while also providing important information relevant to the development of male contraceptives.
The research, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), was based on altering the genetic code of mice to discover mutations which led to infertility.
The MRC is a corporation based out of the UK. After being commissioned by the UK government, the MRC became of corporation by decree of the Medical Research Committee and Advisory Council Act of 1919. They are directed by the Minister of Health, Secretary for Scotland and Chief Secretary for Ireland, which was responsible for funding the council.
They are governed by their executives that control scientific research through oversight and encourage findings of the MRC be applied in the public scientific industry.'
Secrets for Gallbladder Health
'Did you know more than 700,000 people in the U.S. have their gallbladders removed each year? Removing the gallbladder costs around $9000-$10,000 and is often done before any natural remedies are considered.
According to Dr. Robert Marshall, PhD, featured speaker at our sold-out Longevity Now® Conference, the gallbladder is one of our most important, essential organs for keeping our entire body healthy and ailment-free.
And in this exclusive video excerpt, Dr. Marshall shares:
The importance of "Bile-Flow" with regards to our liver, kidney, and gallbladder health.
Why strong bones start with Kidney, gallbladder, and parathyroid health.
How to support bone health with vitamin D3 - and why most D3 supplements won't work unless you do this one important protocol.
Dr. Marshall's "D3 recipe" for the most powerful way to increase our levels!
Why gallbladder and Liver flushes won't work long-term unless you have sufficient amounts of this important nutrient. And so much more!'
Fighting Fibromyalgia Naturally
'Fibromyalgia causes symptoms that include aching muscles, tender skin, fatigue, flu-like symptoms and mental fogginess that leaves sufferers unable to function normally in everyday life. Fortunately, for those who don't want to resort to experimenting with medication to find a solution, there are a few natural remedies and lifestyle changes that may offer relief to fibromyalgia sufferers.
According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, about five million Americans aged 18 or older are affected by fibromyalgia. For many, symptoms come and go, making diagnosis difficult and finding an effective treatment option complicated. Because it isn't a disease with easy-to-identify symptoms and a single effective treatment method, coping with fibromyalgia can be challenging.'
Is A Universal Pandemic Vaccine On the Way?
'There’s a push to create a universal vaccine against influenza pandemics that may be coming to fruition sooner than we know. Supposedly, those who were vaccinated against the 2009 pandemic—that never materialized—have developed antibodies against many other strains of influenza, including H1N1.
The science of immunology desperately is working to superimpose its scientific model upon the way Mother Nature has been implementing the immune system response apparently since the beginning of human time. Therein probably lies a problem.'
Holy Basil: My Number One, Ace-in-The-Hand Herb
'Holy basil, because of its adaptogenic properties, works to bring the body back to a proper balance – but what I’ve found is that it works extremely well with people who are experiencing stress and poor adrenal function.
Anyone who takes stimulants, stresses out, or is a high anxiety type, runs the risk of burning out the adrenals to the point where they don’t produce enough pre-hormones to help regulate the body.
For those of you who don’t know, the adrenals sit on top of your kidneys and are small glands that secrete hormones like cortisol (fight or flight) and pregnenolone (a pre-hormone that assists in the formation of others). The adrenals of course produce other hormones as well, but I want to focus on these two.'
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Increase Sexual Arousal 2
Eurycoma Longifolia
Since a few years ago Eurycoma longifolia is known as an aphrodisiac. Apart from being an aphrodisiac, Eurycoma longifolia is also useful for:
Blood circulation tonic
Potions after maternity
Anti-Hypertension (high blood Lowers)
Anti piretik (Lower heat in the body)
Antidote (anti-poison)
Yellow fever (heart problems)
Bone pain (Arthritis)
Body itching
Since a few years ago Eurycoma longifolia is known as an aphrodisiac. Apart from being an aphrodisiac, Eurycoma longifolia is also useful for:
Blood circulation tonic
Potions after maternity
Anti-Hypertension (high blood Lowers)
Anti piretik (Lower heat in the body)
Antidote (anti-poison)
Yellow fever (heart problems)
Bone pain (Arthritis)
Body itching
Natural Beauty With Olive Oil
Body treatments typically use one type of oil that was never forgotten, namely olive oil. Everyone will already know the uses and benefits of these oils. In addition to keeping the skin plump, olive oil is very close to her and gave a variety of beauty solutions.
You could say the full benefits of this oil, but can give the impression of eternal youth, this oil can also restore the rough skin
You could say the full benefits of this oil, but can give the impression of eternal youth, this oil can also restore the rough skin
Chilling Statistics: What Are We Doing To Ourselves And Our Children?
'In four words, "we are killing ourselves." Each successive generation is sicker and more diseased than its predecessor. Autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, asthma, diabetes and many other diseases continue to skyrocket. No government agency has ever done, or will ever do anything about it except continue to compile statistics. You are our only hope, so here are the facts.'
Flawed Pharma Study Demonizing Vitamins and Minerals Debunked
'It seems that some people will do just about anything to get ahead, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when a mostly falsified study is released to put down what is primarily known as a fundamentally healthy and intelligent choice.
Unfortunately, people still will try to spread discord amongst their fellow man in an apparent attempt to get ahead; sacrificing the good of the people is unfortunately a small price to pay for an insurmountably large personal gain, in many cases.
This dishonest act can be seen in one such case of misinformation – a 'study' performed in order to bring the market for multivitamins and other very respectable health supplements down a notch.'
Improve Your Posture and Your Health In One Simple Step
'Want to improve your posture quickly, for free, with almost zero effort?
I recently did it. So can you.
I don’t deserve any credit for this accomplishment. I didn’t invent the technique, nor, as I mentioned, did implementing it ask much of me. I can, however, vouch for its effectiveness.
I was introduced to this magic bullet by an acupuncturist, and I have an acupuncture theory on why it’s so beneficial (see below), but getting acupuncture is not required.
This solution to better posture is something you can do completely on your own, anywhere, anytime, without ever opening your wallet. You don’t even have to get up from the couch.'
10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control
'Refuse to Pay Unjust Debt - This is a moral decision based on the information that much of what was created to be a "loan" was based on a predatory system. As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and that is duly noted, but when confronted with an enemy that has deliberately contrived devious ways to steal productivity and the fruits of honest labor, then the principle of justifiable self-defense is invoked.
Forget about your credit score; it is the invisible chain that keeps you in prison. Refuse to pay debts that you know were fraudulently imposed. Remember, the banks never had the money they "lent" to you in the first place; they created it out of nothing to buy your servitude. If you are hesitant to simply quit paying the criminal banks, then learn how to reduce your exposure to all debts.'
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Pneumonia vaccine causes bacterial infections
By Dr Mercola
'Certain hard-to-treat bacterial infections in children are on the rise because of the widespread use of antibiotics and the conjugated pneumococcal vaccines, including Prevnar. A report by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) revealed that the presence of certain types of bacteria in cases of upper respiratory tract infections has “markedly increased” since the widespread use of pneumonia vaccines.
The overuse of antibiotics for ear and sinus infections has also caused these pneumonia bacteria serotypes to become resistant to antibiotics. Overall, your best defense against any disease is having a robust healthy immune system.'
Got the blues? Prozac or cashews
Andrew Saul, PhD, in a video lesson discussing the importance and practical application of Nutritional Therapy in the treatment of Depression and Mental Illness. Click on the lessons below to begin your program.
Big Agriculture's Big Secrets: 9 Things You Need to Know About the Food You Eat
'Many farmers and agricultural professionals are miffed that the days of "it's-none-of-your-business" farming are over. Once upon a time, consumers cared only about the price and wholesomeness of food and didn't worry about - or videotape - its origins and "disassembly." Now consumers increasingly want to know how an animal lived, died, and even what it ate in between. Some of the newly engaged consumers are motivated by health, wanting to avoid hormones in milk, antibiotics in beef, arsenic in chicken, and who knows what in seafood. But many are also motivated by humane concerns.
Here are some shocking facts that Big Food would like to mute with Ag-Gag and food defamation laws:'
Heart Attack Is a Disease of Agribusiness, Not Long Lives
Claims that primitive societies’ lack of heart attacks can be explained by shorter lifespans are based on nothing but wishful thinking. It seems logical, but there’s nothing behind the words.
There is, in fact, ample documentation demonstrating the opposite, that people who are not subjected to modern Agribusiness diets almost never fall victim to heart attacks, no matter what their lifespans. Much of the documentation also applies to cancer, the other scourge of modern societies.'
Can Pomegranate Keep You From Going Under The Knife?
'Anyone who drinks pomegranate juice, or is lucky enough to eat one fresh, can understand why it is so effective at cleansing the circulatory system. Nature certainly planted enough poetic visual clues there for us: its juice looks like blood, and it does resemble a multi-chambered heart, at least when you consider its appearance in comparison to most other fruits.'
Read more ...
Monday, May 28, 2012
Hemorrhoid Bleeding
Herbal ingredients: purslane
Usagee 1: purslane washed, then boiled in 1 cup of water until the remaining 1/2 cup. Once cool, filtered water and drink as well.
Usage 2: purslane destroyed until smooth, then squeezed. feelings as well as drinking water.
The Most Popular 'Medical Ethic' is Greed
High Fructose Corn Syrup Associated With Liver Disease
'Liver scarring is associated with consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), according to a study at Duke University. The condition, dubbed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is present in about 30% of all American adults. Until recently, it was considered rare.
Fatty liver disease, whether alcohol-related or not, is a dangerous condition that indicates an overworked and damaged liver. It can lead to cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver cancer, and liver failure.
Manal Abdelmalek, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Duke University Medical Center, led the study’s research team.
They analyzed questionnaires given to 427 adults after liver biopsies showing NAFLD. The questionnaires asked about their consumption of fructose-containing beverages. They found a correlation between severity of disease and amount of HFCS consumption.'
Popular Hair Growth Drug Chemically Castrates Users!
'Warning to all men who are considering using Propecia to treat their male pattern baldness: it causes sexual dysfunction in nearly all users and this is often PERMANENT! The alternative, Rogaine, is not much better and carries a risk of causing skin problems, dark circles and accelerated aging. Fortunately, there IS a natural (and much safer) alternative.'
Please lend your support to Kevin Malley, who is on hunger strike to draw attention to the ravages of Propecia by circulating this story.
More on Finasteride side effects
Rogaine side effects discussed in a forum:
Natural alternative to hair loss drugs: Dermarolling and injections of platelet-rich plasma made from the recipients own blood:
Spicing Up Your Hormones Without Hormone Replacement
'One of the insurmountable problems with hormone replacement therapy is that when you replace a hormone you risk feeding the underlying glandular deficiency.
In the exuberance associated with the idea of overcoming age-associated declines in sexual, cognitive, skeletal, cardiovascular, etc. function, with both synthetic and bioidentical hormones, the hormone replacement advocates have often neglected to educate their patients to several unintended, adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT): 1) the endocrine system has a negative feedback loop which guarantees that with time the body's ability to produce adequate quantities of the very hormones being targeted for replacement will decline, resulting in the development of biological dependency on an external source of hormones -- not exactly a picture of empowerment.'
The Masked Morphing of the Chemtrail Cover-up
'It’s been outright silence and denial concerning the chemtrail phenomenon since they started this insidious program in the early 90′s. While the aerosol spraying is "as plain as the nose on your face", public discussion has been held off almost entirely so the vast majority would continue to not even notice.
But they're ever so slowly changing their tune.
While disinformation claiming these chemtrails are simply contrails from increased air traffic seems to have been a workable “dispersant” on public perception, it’s remained buried in obscure articles or internet pages. A very few scientific TV shows have talked about them, but with the usual dismissive conclusions.'
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Increase Breast Milk
Katuk leaves already famous among the mothers, especially for the launch of breast milk, as well as drug ulcers, boils, fever, and blood is dirty. In addition to expediting and improving milk production, leaf vegetables katuk popular as it can also arouse sexual vitality, prevent osteoporosis, and treat various diseases.
Usefulness Leaf katuk:
Launched breast milk
Heal ulcers, fever, blood and
Usefulness Leaf katuk:
Launched breast milk
Heal ulcers, fever, blood and
Breast Milk,
Sexual Vitality,
Sick Throat and Cough Soft
If you have a mild sore throat or cough, try a home remedy honey. Simply boil a whole lemon or lime juice, and after a lemon / lime juice cold, squeeze the juice into a container. Stir into it the honey in a cup, and every four hours drink two tablespoons. Your throat will be coated and the pain subsided and cough caused by minor irritation can be reduced.
'With the recent revelation (exposed by yours truly) that FDA knows the drugs it’s approving are killing Americans at the rate of 100,000 a year (*), it’s time to shut down the buildings at Agency headquarters, fire all the employees, fumigate the place, and start over.
(*) Note: All articles pertaining to this breaking story have been placed under the “FDA category” on this blog (in typical reverse chronological blog order).
If we had a Department of Justice, I’d say prosecute the FDA offenders for mass murder, but DOJ is too busy putting pot smokers in jail, or selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, or something.'
Flaxeed and Cancer
Flax Seed Oil
'Flax seed oil is the new rock star on the wellness block, and enthusiasts can't seem to have enough of it. As one of the leading dietary supplements on the western diet today, it is fast being retailed across health and nutrition magazines, books, websites, and health stores as "Nature's Powerhouse" an essential pill next only to multivitamins. We look into some of the widely made claims made in its name presently.
Top Claims
1.Flax seed oil reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease, and cancer.
2.Lignans in flaxseed have antioxidant and cancer-preventive properties.
3.Flax seed or Linseed oil, is nature's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids'
Cancer Revisited: The Industry Suppressed Budwig Regimen or How To Cure Cancer With Cottage Cheese
Written by Sarah Cain
'Most cancer cures (not treatments) involve adjusting the body's pH beyond neutral, and into an alkaline state. In the alkaline state, human blood is rich in oxygen, and this same oxygen is poisonous to all mutated cancer (fermenting) cells. Oxygen is, of course, harmless to healthy cells ― and we're not going into that whole free radical thing here ― except to say that oxygen is never an issue with a healthy (anti-cancer) diet. Whilst naturally mocked by the industry, the generalized anti-cancer alkalizing diets are effective, and certainly merit further reading.
Dr. Budwig found a way to do it better and faster. She turbo-charged her anti-cancer diet with a solution made from common flax seed oil and cottage cheese. She discovered that even the so-called "healthy" (fat free) diets were a huge part of the problem.'Read more...
Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals

'For more than a decade, first the United States and then Canada’s citizens have been subjected to a 24/7/365 day aerosol assault over our heads made of a toxic brew of poisonous heavy metals, chemicals, and other dangerous ingredients. None of this was reported by any mainstream media.
The US Department of Defense [DOD] and military have been systematically blanketing all our skies with what are known as Chemtrails (also known as Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering).(2) These differ vastly from the usual plane contrails that evaporate rather quickly in the sky. Chemtrails do not dissipate.
, planes (fitted with special nozzles) release aerosols “lines” in the sky that do not evaporate. Multiple planes are deployed, flying parallel (or often “checkerboard” patterns) overhead; and soon the sky is blanketed with many grayish-white lines [miles and miles long, although this is changing]. At first, these lines are thin; but soon they expand and, in a short time, merge together. Our once-blue sky has vanished and has been replaced by a grayish-white toxic haze that blots out and greatly diminishes our usual sunshine.'
Friday, May 25, 2012
Pasteur, Béchamp and Forbidden Medicine
'Béchamp (doctor, biologist, chemist, and physicist) discovered microbes before Pasteur. After years of observation, he was able to prove that human beings create their own microbes in order to re-establish order and balance inside tissues and organs. Béchamp also discovered microzymas, the smallest living particles. These changed their shape – pleomorphism – and became microbes when a person’s health deteriorated. Germs were actually allies. He published many scientific papers to prove his theory.
Pasteur (chemist) used and falcified Béchamp’s results, publishing them under his own name with opposite conclusions.'
Vaccines and Injections Soon To Be Delivered Via Small Needleless High-Pressure Jets
'Once the public grew more skeptical of vaccines after the pandemic flu hoax, mainstream medicine was forced to adopt new methods of tackling the antagonists of their beloved immunization campaigns (a misnomer in itself). One idea was to make vaccines more friendly to the public. Something that has always struck fear (and rightfully so) in the hearts of children is the vaccine needle.
So the heads of conventional medicine approached MIT researchers to develop a needleless delivery system that would at least squelch the "needle phobia" to make drug injections seamless, painless and free from any stigma attached to the jab. It seems that we'll soon have change those graphic depictions of hypodermic needles to a device that is very different as technology continues to progress while modern medicine continues to regress.'
Study Suggests Calcium Supplements Linked to Significantly Increased Heart Attack Risk
© Elenathewise / Fotolia
'Calcium supplements might increase the risk of having a heart attack, and should be "taken with caution," concludes research published in the online issue of the journal Heart.
Furthermore, boosting overall calcium intake from dietary sources confers no significant advantage in terms of staving off heart disease and stroke, the findings indicate.'
Another Way to Heal:Ho'oponopono
How Dr. Hew Len healed a ward of mentally ill criminals with Ho'oponopono
Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian system that heals oneself ... and the world, too
'More than thirty years ago, in Hawaii, at the Hawaii State Hospital, there was a special ward, a clinic for the mentally ill criminals. People who had committed extremely serious crimes were assignated there either because they had a very deep mental disorder or because they needed to be checked to see if they were sane enough to stand trial. They had committed murder, rape, kidnapping or other such crimes. According to a nurse that worked there in those years, the place was so bleak that not even the paint could stick to the walls, everything was decaying, terrifying, repulsive. No day would pass without a patient-inmate attacking another inmate or a member of the staff.'
Persistent Sensory Experience Is Good for Aging Brain
'Despite a long-held scientific belief that much of the wiring of the brain is fixed by the time of adolescence, a new study shows that changes in sensory experience can cause massive rewiring of the brain, even as one ages. In addition, the study found that this rewiring involves fibers that supply the primary input to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for sensory perception, motor control and cognition. These findings promise to open new avenues of research on brain remodeling and aging.'
Dr Peter Glidden - A Naturopathic Answer to Mental Health Treatment
'Dr Peter Glidden is an outspoken advocate of holistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the unrivaled excellence of holistic medical treatments.
Treatment Philosophy
For over 2 decades, Dr. Glidden has been treating people around the world with Naturopathic therapeutics including Homeopathy, Medical Nutrition, Heavy Metal Chelation, Detoxification, Herbal Medicine and Bio-identical Hormone Supplementation. Dr. Glidden's current treatment protocols, perfected over 2 decades of clinical work, are unique in the field of Naturopathic medicine. He is the only physician in the world to combine Classical Homeopathy, Medical Nutrition, and Comprehensive Clinical Diet protocols.
All of Dr. Glidden's treatments are science-based and clinically verified. He does not use any "black box" unproven diagnostic techniques, nor any therapeutics that are experimental. He relies on time-tested, science based, clinically verified, safe and effective treatment protocols to help his patients/clients to recover their health.
Dr. Glidden's work is "results oriented," and his patients/clients are always given a time-frame inside of which they will work to secure noticeable and measurable results. None of Dr. Glidden's treatment protocols are "open-ended.'
Why is "Bee Hive" Hexagon Shaped? Because in this case the bees build their nests by compiling from different angles. Usually from four different points and meet in the middle. In a very small error rate without even the slightest error. Hexagon-shaped nest is the best form because in this case the bees store honey in bulk. The use of raw materials was a little wax. The bees made a nest cavity
FDA Promotes Drug That Kills You One Cell At a Time!
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
'It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body – life and death ceaselessly intertwined – the miracle of the human body would not exist.
In times of illness, however, regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones. This is where medicine may perform its most noble feat, nudging the body back into balance with foods, herbs, nutrients, healing energies, i.e. healing intention. Today, however, drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that have not one iota of regenerative potential; to the contrary, they almost always interfere with bodily self-renewal in order to suppress the symptoms against which they are applied.'
Record Numbers of Pregnant Women Are Refusing The Flu Shot
'An overwhelming majority of pregnant women who visit the doctor's office are now refusing the flu vaccine over fears it will harm their fetus. The medical community is on damage control pushing out flawed studies in an attempt to sway opinion in a losing battle for control over fetus health. More than 90% of all expecting mothers will now say no to the flu vaccine due to fear of miscarriage and delivery of toxic byproducts to their unborn child.
Getting a flu shot during pregnancy provides unanticipated risks to the baby. Specifically, one study showed that the H1N1 vaccination during the H1N1 pandemic was associated with thousands of cases of miscarriages and stillbirths which the CDC failed to inform vaccine providers.
Current data from a 3-year reporting base is confirming previous reports that the majority of pregnant women are refusing influenza and other related vaccines that may jeopardize their health and that of their baby.'
Wake-Up Ladies: You’re Being Slowly Poisoned… by Birth Control Pills!
So What Do You Do?
'Since the 1960’s, when birth control pills were first introduced, millions of women worldwide have taken them, believing they were safe and effective for contraception.
Unfortunately, that’s only a half-truth. Birth control pills are indeed very effective at contraception. But the downside is they’re extremely hazardous. Since the introduction of the Pill, there’s been an explosion of women’s diseases and maladies in a scope never experienced before in the history of medicine:
- Migraine headaches
- Breast Cancer
- Heart Disease
- Heart Attacks
- Strokes
- Blood Clots
- High Blood Pressure
- Uterine Cancer
- Infertility
- Depression
- Post-Partum Depression
- Uterine Fibroids
- Unnecessary Hysterectomies
- Anxiety Disorders
- 'These are just the major problems known to be caused by the Pill (and standard Hormone Replacement Therapy as well). Plus, we fully expect ovarian cancer and Alzheimer’s Dementia to join this list in the next few years once more studies are completed.
But ask any doctor, and despite evidence to the contrary, they’ll describe the wonderful “benefits” of using the Pill besides contraception: Reduction in ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis and stabilization of periods. Some brands are marketed to improve acne in younger women.'
How wrong they are!
Icon “Big Tex” Gets Chemtrailed
'They’re at it everywhere, trying to incorporate chemtrails into every day images. This large tile mural is from a popular market in Dallas. Big Tex is the famous mascot of the State Fair of Texas, a giant statue and icon in the center of the fairgrounds.
When Texas used to be known for its wide open big skies, it’s now famous as one of the most heavily chemtrailed states.
After all, keep them wild horse Texans sedated or they might just kick back. Fluoride in the water, sedatives in the air, adulterated food.
Nice country.'
And here in the Lone Pentagram state of all places, and dear Tex replete with masonic red and blue imagery. Hmmm. But I digress.
Hey, with all the aluminum oxide and barium everyone’s ingesting we won’t remember anything anyway, aluminum being one of the causes of alzheimer’s. That and the brain damaging anti-cholesterol statin drugs that they’re now suggesting everyone over the age of 50 take routinely that also trigger alzheimer’s.
The ol’ one-two.'
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The History Of Honey
Honey has been used by humans since centuries ago. At the time of ancient Egypt, honey has become a household goods daily. Even in those days, the Egyptian society to appreciate the high price of honey with a very even match the price of the scarce currency. In a traditional ceremony, even if they also use honey to feed to animals to be sacrificed to the gods. Even before that humans have used
France’s Ban of GM Corn Is Reversed by the EU
'In 2008, France banned the GM strain of corn, MON 810, after the people protested. A French court overturned that ban in 2011. However, France’s agricultural minister overturned the court’s ruling, based on his recognition that MON 810 holds the potential of harming the environment.
Now, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ruled that France did not provide adequate evidence to prove that “there is no specific scientific evidence, in terms of risk to human and animal health or the environment”.
Notice the use of science to back the EFSA’s claims. This is not real science. It’s the pseudo science owned by corporations like Monsanto.'
Long Term Dangers of Birth Control Pills
Health Videos - Long Term Dangers of Birth Control Pills
The Dangers Every Woman Needs to Know About the Birth Control Pill
'Did you know that an estimated 150 million women worldwide take birth control pills?
Such widespread use of birth control pills worries me because many women are not aware of the serious health implications of these drugs. I also believe that birth control pills are often prescribed to address symptoms (like cramping, spotting, irregular periods and acne) instead of the underlying causes of the symptoms.
Many women do not consider the very real (and sometimes very dangerous) side effects of these synthetic hormones, but you owe it to your body, and to your future children, to find out more.'
Curing All Illnesses in 3 Minutes In Medicineless Hospitals
'Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body. In a medicineless hospital in Bejing, China, closed due to political reasons, they successfully treated over 180 types of illnesses including bladder cancer. The Center avoided medicines and special diets in favor of exercise, love, and life energy.
It was a non-profit organization and recognized by the Chinese government as a legitimate clinic. Over the years, the Center had treated more than one hundred and eighty diseases, the overall success rate being more than 95%.
The Power of ChiLel
ChiLel, the method employed in the Center, was developed by Dr. Pang. The method is based on the 5,000-year-old concept of qigong (chigong, chi kung) as well as modern medical knowledge. Dr. Pang, reverently known as Lao-shi, the Teacher, has written more than nine books on ChiLel.'
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Stages Of Herbal Ingredients
Herb therapy destination are: to restore balance to the body and not just to cure the disease. Therefore, herbal therapies usually require a longer time than treatment with the use of synthetic chemical drugs that tend to be symptomatic (only treat the symptoms of pain or relief of pain only).
Phase herbs work can be divided into 4 stages:
Release (remove). In this process, all or toxic poisons
Phase herbs work can be divided into 4 stages:
Release (remove). In this process, all or toxic poisons
Shrimp At Grocery Retailers Contains Antibiotics and Carcinogens Affecting DNA
'"We estimate that at least 80% of all shrimp imported to grocery retailers comes from farmed sources with similar practices," said Graham Beaton, a head toxicologist and food inspector. "We know that 80% of all farmed shrimp comes from Asia, mostly from Thailand and China who are well known for producing 'dirty shrimp'."
Shrimp farming has changed from traditional, small-scale businesses in Southeast Asia into a global industry whose primary motive is profit. Technological advances have led to growing shrimp at ever higher densities, and broodstock is shipped worldwide.'
Pau d’Arco, Protease, and Hydrotherapy: An Interview with Judy Seeger N.D.
Photo Credit:http://www.kingofhomeremedies.com
'The following is a excerpt from a phone interview with Judy Seeger N.D. on January 18, 2011. The conversation has been edited to improve readability.
CHRIS WARK: Hey, everybody! I am excited to be able to do an interview today with Judy Seeger, Doctor of Naturopathy that I met actually on Facebook. Is that right? Isn’t that where we met?
JUDY SEEGER: That’s right. That’s exactly where we met.
CHRIS WARK: Well, let me tell you a little bit about Judy, and then we’ll get right into this. I was really excited to meet her, because not only is she a doctor of naturopathy, just like a local naturopath here in Memphis who helped me when I was dealing with cancer, but also she has been doing it for 30 years; helping people from all walks of life with all kinds of diseases, including cancer, get well. She’s got a background in psychology, biology, enzymes, herbal medicines, nutritional consulting, and really, really knows her stuff.'
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Whole Foods Adds Creepy Warning Stickers To Their Raw Juices
'First, I was a bit incredulous! "Really?? I just spent a good chunk of the remainder of my last paycheck buying a presumably healthy drink for my family, and I’m being told that it could make us terribly ill??"
Second, angry: "Good lord. I can buy genetically engineered (GE) food in this country (which should bear the skull and crossbones), without any label warning me of this fact, but I can’t buy an organic raw juice without being told that it may contain 'harmful bacteria’ and could cause serious illness in my child because it was not pasteurized????"'
Alternative Cancer Conference Banned by Town Council
The Disturbing Rise of Medical Fascism
'In response to Dr. Hopwood’s request as to whether the conference was now compliant with legislation after removing Dr. Simoncini from the conference lineup and making the requested changes to the clinic website, the Trading Standards responded with the following:
“The Cancer Act 1939 creates a criminal offense to take any part in the publication of any advertisement [for cancer treatment]. Your website and the conference itself does not fall into any of these exempt categories. Even the title of the conference and the title of your clinic, in our view, are likely to breach the legislation because of their promotion of cancer treatment.”
After Trading Standards asked for the booking to be cancelled and the conference banned, the Totnes Town Council caved to the pressure with the majority of councilors siding with the regulating body.'
Modern Medicine: How Healing Illness became Managing Illness for Profit
'For over 6000 years, man looked first to nature to heal illness and maintain wellness. As a result of a deliberate and often sinister plan, the past century and a half has seen curing illness with nature replaced with managing sickness and treating the symptoms of illness in a system that places profits far above healing and humanity.
When this country was founded, medical freedom was assumed. Early Americans ran away from intolerance hoping to find religious and political freedom. Medical freedom was simply assumed. It was assumed that the people had the right to choose whatever form of health care they preferred.
Dr Benjamin Rush proposed that these rights should be specifically laid out in our constitution: "The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic."'
UTTER PROFITABLE DEPOPULATION BULLSHIT: CDC Targeting Baby Boomers for Mass Vaccination Agenda
'The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has drafted a recommendation that ALL Baby Boomers (people born between 1945 and 1965) be tested for the hepatitis C virus and subsequently vaccinated.
The CDC estimates 800,000 people are infected and being vaccinated could save 120,000 lives.
The Baby Boomers are being targeted because of the rampant drug use in the '80s with needles, as well as blood transfusions that were in great use during the '90s; before blood screening was common place. The CDC says this “generational epidemic” will claim more Baby Boomers unless they are vaccinated...'
Editor's note: Did you know the Hepatitis C virus has never been isolated!
HEPATITIS C: The 'Phantom virus' and Hepatitis C Cases Successfully Treated with Herbs and Diet
by Dr. Michael Tierra, OMD
The formulas I'm currently recommending include Planetary Formulas' Bupleurum Liver Cleanse, Shiitake Mushroom Supreme and Liver Defense. In addition to this I recommend two or three portions of steamed greens daily, dandelion root tea, whole grains, vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, a glass or two of freshly squeezed organic carrot juice, and fish. Other foods can be included, but these should be included daily. Avoid exceptional stress as it can activate the latent virus in the body. Also avoid refined foods as much as possible. Other substances to avoid include coffee and drugs including marijuana.
I offer the following information to many of my patients who, after being treated with herbs, with all symptoms of liver disease resolved, are still concerned with an elevated viral load test. What if, despite the fact that they indeed had a sick liver, there never was a hepatitis C virus in the first place? Therefore the viral load question becomes a moot point, measuring something that ultimately has no relevance to their liver disease.
Symptoms of Lymphatic Congestion
'Perhaps the most forgotten, under studied and least understood system in the body is the Lymphatic System. The lymph travels with the nerves, arteries and veins and is by itself twice as big as the arterial blood supply system - and maybe twice as important. The Lymphatic System removes waste and from every cell in your body whil regulating the immune system.
When I co-directed a cancer center with Deepak Chopra, one of my jobs was to train and certify medical doctors in Ayurvedic medicine. My medical doctor students were constantly telling me, "We were never taught such details about the lymphatic system." They knew it was a place where cancers resides and were taught to remove cancerous lymph nodes, but the purpose of this system was never really discussed.'
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